A emergency treatment methods for: MathWallet1 TestFlight version expired that could not be updated and forgot to back up

To IOS users: If your MathWallet1 TestFlight version is out of date, cannot be updated, and forgot to back up. Please provide us with your phone UDID as follows, and we will provide an emergency installation package for you to install, than you need to back up immediately and then migrate or import to MathWallet5. […]

MathWallet5 User Guide- Migrate From MathWallet1

First make sure that all of your public wallets are backed up with private keys and mnemonics to avoid wallet loss Then download and install the latest version of MathWallet5 in the App Store: https://blog.mathwallet.xyz/?p=5853 Once the installation is complete, open MathWallet1 Select “ME” in the lower right column, and click “Settings” Click “Export to […]

Cube Chain MathWallet User Guide

MathWallet5 has supported Cube Chain. Cube Chain is a High Performance Modular EVM-compatible Blockchain who Supporting Multi-Chain Architecture. Follow guide below and start using Cube Chain: First, install the MathWallet5 version from https://mathwallet.org On the chain list click + button at bottom, and open Cube Chain Then, on the chain list find the Cube Chain and […]

Swimmer Network MathWallet User Guide

MathWallet5 has supported Swimmer Network. Swimmer Network is a dedicated blockchain for gaming that leverages the existing infrastructure and security of the Avalanche Network. Follow guide below and start using Swimmer Network: First, install the MathWallet5 version from https://mathwallet.org On the chain list click + button at bottom, and open Swimmer Then, on the chain list […]

Khala MathWallet User Guide

MathWallet5 has supported Khala Network. Khala Network, Kusama Parachain, Phala’s Canary Network. (Mainnet will be deployed on Polkadot later) Follow guide below and start using Khala: First, install the MathWallet5 version from https://mathwallet.org On the chain list click + button at bottom, and open Khala On the chain list find the Khala network and add a […]