We all know that by staking 32 ETH on Ethereum, one can become a node and get benefits, but ordinary users have no idea about how to operate. Recently, we discovered a platform called StakeWise, which provides a very convenient ETH 2.0 Beacon Chain Staking service, so we use the testnet function of the MathWallet […]
Tag Archives: Staking
MATH Staking Introduction
We provide validator infrastructure to networks below. You can stake on MathWallet validator and earn rewards. NETWORKS Cosmos Validator Name: MathWallet 麦子钱包 Validator Account: cosmosvaloper1x065cjlgejk2p2la0029akfvdy52gtq9mm58ta Info: https://www.mintscan.io/validators/cosmosvaloper1x065cjlgejk2p2la0029akfvdy52gtq9mm58ta Staking Guide: http://blog.mathwallet.org/?p=427 IRISnet Validator Name: MathWallet 麦子钱包 Validator Account: iva1k4l7jnkfj6nfzxd3su94s0kauhcsx2gzl43spu Info:https://www.irisplorer.io/#/validators/iva1k4l7jnkfj6nfzxd3su94s0kauhcsx2gzl43spu Staking Guide: http://blog.mathwallet.org/?p=552 BNBChain Validator Name:MathWallet Controller Address:https://www.binance.org/en/staking/validator/bva1y52k5rfmqv46p8x8jsnppzgkjgzt5m0zgx5h37 Staking Guide: https://blog.mathwallet.org/?p=2054 Platon Testnet Validator Name:mathwallet Validator […]