How to use Deeplink connect to MathWallet mobile app

1 Open URL You can use deeplink open MathWallet and then open an URL in the wallet in-app browser Sample URL below, change the value param as you need: mathwallet:// 2 Open URL and get callback Sample URL below, change the dappUrl param as you need and the blockchain param as well: mathwallet://{"action":"openUrl","protocol":"SimpleWallet","dappUrl":"https:\/\/\/","dappName":"MathWalletSDK-Demos","blockchain":"eosio","version":"1.0","callback":"mathwalletdemos:\/\/mathwalletsdk?action=openUrl","desc":"","dappIcon":""} Currently this […]

How to use WalletConnect on MathWallet mobile app

WalletConnect is an open protocol for connecting Wallets to Dapps Other than qrcode support, WalletConnect also works with mobile browsers We use mobile browser open the WalletConnect official demo page to do the test Click 'Connect to WalletConnect' Select 'MathWallet' Then the demo page will open MathWallet App, and you need to click the […]

How to use SimpleWallet API on MathWallet mobile app

If your are building a native mobile blockchain app, you could open MathWallet to sign your transaction through SimpleWallet protocol. MathWallet SimpleWallet Protocol supports:1. Login account through the decentralize wallet2. Open MathWallet to sign a payment or smartcontract transaction3. Open MathWallet to sign a message (widely used in list a NFT for sell, etc)4. Open […]

Moonbeam DApp Development Guide

Create wallet MathDappStore Faucet Explorer Remix ERC20 Token Creation Deploy contract Contract address

BSC DAPP Dev Tutorial(3)- How to create a BSC NFT Token

BSC DAPP Dev Tutorial Serie Develop Environment Please check the BSC DAPP Dev Tutorial(1) Compile Contract Open Delete the default files, and create a new file: NFT.sol Copy the Token.sol code from below repo You need to modify NFTToken code based on your needs For example, you want to create a […]

BSC DAPP Dev Tutorial(2)- How to create a BEP20 Token

BSC DAPP Dev Tutorial Serie Develop Environment Please check the BSC DAPP Dev Tutorial(1) Compile and Deploy Open Delete the default files, and create a new file: Token.sol Copy the Token.sol code from below repo You need to modify BEP20Token code based on your needs, including name, symbol, decimals, totalSupply Compile: […]

BSC DAPP Dev Tutorial(1)- BSC Smart Contract Develop Environment

BSC DAPP Dev Tutorial Series First, please install the MathWallet Chrome Extension In [Settings]-[Networks], open: Binance Smart Chain – Testnet Click Switch Network and select 'Binance Smart Chain – Testnet' Click + button, create a new wallet address Copy the wallet address, and you can get test token in link below: Check […]

How to launch your DApp on Math Wallet?

The Math Wallet is a multi-chain wallet that mainly supports DAPP ecosystem (currently supported: ETH, NEO, EOS, EOS, ONT, etc.), and the Math Wallet is also a wallet for community users. Our DAPP page is open to all community developers, and you are welcome to submit your DAPP to us. Content to be Checked Project Link […]