Guide of TRX Market IEO (Chrome Extension)

I. Install Math Wallet, create TRX wallet, transfer TRX into the wallet 1 Go to Chrome APP Store and Install 2 Create password, at least 8 characters. 3 Enter the wallet and select TRON. 4 Click 【+】and choose 【Create Wallet】   5 Enter wallet password 6 Backup the private key 7 Copy the address […]

Project Update | 2019.4.12

Community Activities Math Wallet CandyWheel activity Cooperation Math Wallet is named in the first batch of Asian Blockchain Companies Math Wallet supported USDT-TRON exchange Math Wallet supported Vietnamese Vertion The Progress of Development BPs EOSForce BP: – Maintainance EOS.MediShares: – Maintainance TRON Mainnet BP – FullNode maintainance IRIS BP – Updated to v0.13.1 ENU BP […]

About TRON Bandwidth and Energy

About TRON bandwidth and energy There’re also concept of “RAM” and “CPU” in TRON, which means” Bandwidth Points” and”energy”. TRON’s DApp can choose to consume the player’s energy or consume the developer’s energy when deploying the contract. If you choose to consume player’s energy without freezing TRX, the smart contract will automatically deduct the corresponding TRX […]

EOS MultiSig Transfer DApp Tutorial III – Backup Account

EOS.IO Technical WhitePaper v2 mentions that: The EOS.IO software provides users a way to restore control of their account when keys are stolen. An account owner can use any owner key along with approval from their designated account recovery partner to reset the owner key on their account. However, the EOS community did not has […]

Project Update | 2019.3.29

Community Activities Math Wallet CandyWheel activity Cooperation Changelly DApp Launched on Math Wallet Changelly is an instant cryptocurrency exchange that allows to exchange crypto fast and buy Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash for USD and EUR. The service provides the best crypto-to-crypto rates and supports over 130 cryptocurrencies available for exchanging one to another. Changelly dApp […]

Project Update | 2019.3.15

Community Activities Math Wallet CandyWheel activity Math Wallet give away limited free EOSFORCE/BOS/ENU/Telos account registration codes everyday. Cooperation Math Wallet Announced Affiliate Membership in FIO (the Foundation for Interwallet Operability) Math Wallet Established Pacific* Math Wallet Eco-Community with POF (Pacific One Forum)  Math Wallet Passed EOS Torch to Math Wallet Has Supported  Scan Protocol […]