Polkadot Governance Tool User Guide

First download the MathWallet https://www.mathwallet.org Create Polkadot wallet Polkadot Wallet Operation’s Guide Polkadot governance tool Please click: Polkadot Governance Tool video guide Open the DApp – Tools – Polkadot Governance Tool Enter into Polkadot Governance tool, which displays the current referenda and status, and click vote. After entering the DOT Amount and selecting the lockup […]

MathWallet Chrome Extension Wallet User Guide

Install MathWallet Extension Wallet Download the extension: Official Website:https://mathwallet.org/ After installation,Click the icon on upper right corner,enter into the settings Set password Set Language Click icon on upper left corner Choose Language Chose English and return to the main page Create Wallet Choose corresponding public chain and here we take ETH as example: Click “Switch […]

Ledger + MathWallet User Guide

Install MathWallet Install Math Extension wallet MathWallet Web Extension Wallet User Guide Buy Ledger Hardware wallet from https://www.ledger.com/ Next, we take the Ethereum wallet as an example. But other than Ethereum, you can also use Ledger + MathWallet for other chains supported by MathWallet such as Bitcoin / Tron / Cosmos etc. Computer connect to Ledger […]

MathWallet Newsletter 2020.07.09

Dear MathWallet user, MathWallet has been going well for the past two weeks, here we wish to give you the comprehensive update. MathWallet has already supported Secret Network. Users can create wallets, exchange from ENG to SCRT, conduct voting governance and other operations through MathWallet App and Extension Wallet. The Secert Staking Tool is launched […]