Project Update| 2018.11.16

Community Activities 【Magic — Dragon Reward】Activity has Ended The【Magic — Dragon Reward】activity that sponsored by MathWallet、EOSForce、SCRY、ESN、Delphy、Newdex、MediShares and EOSAWAKE has ended with over 18 thousands participants!! Thank community users for your great participation. Cooperation Math Wallet reached partnership with Beosin Math Wallet reached deep strategy cooperation with Beosin in the fields of wallet security, application audit, dapp research and smart […]

Math Wallet Supports Cross-chain Exchange

1. What is cross-chain exchange? The cross-chain exchange within MathWallet is a trading process based on the cross-chain protocol of SWFT Blockchain that users are able to exchange tokens across multiple blockchains without having to rely on centralized exchanges. Current available trading pairs : ETH-EOS、ETH-BTC、BTC-EOS 2. How to do cross-chain exchange? As the example of ETH-EOS: Install Math […]

Project Update| 2018.11.02

Community Activities 【Magic — Dragon Reward】Activity is Ongoing The【Magic — Dragon Reward】activity that sponsored by MathWallet、EOSForce、SCRY、ESN、Delphy、Newdex、MediShares and EOSAWAKE has more than 9 thousands participants and is still ongoing!! Download Math Wallet and create/import 6 different kinds of wallets to be eligible to participate in the lucky draw! Cooperation MathWallet Partnered with EOSGravity EOSGravity is a leading EOS community dedicated […]

Project Update| 2018.10.19

Community Activities 500,000 ESN Airdrop is Closing Ethersocial Network (, a public-chain project based on the Ethereum code that incubated DDENGLE, which is the largest cryptocurrency community in Korea. On Oct. 8th, MathWallet and Ethersocial Network (ESN) launched 500,000 ESN token Airdrop within MathWallet, and it is going to close in few days. Scroll down […]

Tutorial | How to use Chintai Rent/Lease EOS Resources

In Chintai, you can lease your leisure EOS and gain collect income. If you are a developer, you can also rent bandwidth/CPU resources in Chintai at a low price to lower your platform operating cost. Open MathWallet and switch to EOS wallet Download MathWallet : Press 【DApp】 in bottom and enter 【Chintai】   Login first   […]

Project Update| 2018.9.28

Community Activities Math Wallet has launched Public Chain Voting Activity Math Wallet has initiated Public Chain Voting activity. Users could join the activity through banner on DApp page. Now there are 14 listed public chains and the top 5public chains are NAS, BCH、XRP、ETC and ADA according to the latest data. Cooperation MathWallet Cooperated with ESN […]

How to launch your DApp on Math Wallet?

The Math Wallet is a multi-chain wallet that mainly supports DAPP ecosystem (currently supported: ETH, NEO, EOS, EOS, ONT, etc.), and the Math Wallet is also a wallet for community users. Our DAPP page is open to all community developers, and you are welcome to submit your DAPP to us. Content to be Checked Project Link […]

Project Update| 2018.8.31

Cooperation Math Wallet has reached a partnership with ONT The ONT ontology provides a new generation of high-performance basic public chains, including complete distributed ledger and smart contract system support Math Wallet has partnered with ONT, and Math Wallet has supported ONT wallet creation, import, transfer and mainnet mapping. Math Wallet Cooperated with Prophet Math […]

Project Update| 2018.8.17

Math Wallet Jointly create a “EOS” venture camp with OracleChain and Delphy On August 15–16, in the first live broadcast conference for global EOS Token holders, more than 60 excellent nodes and dozens of Dapp teams participated in the discussion. Anita, the overseas community manager of OracleChain, said that open source is very important for […]

Project Update| 2018.8.4

Community Activities LRN Airdropping in Math Wallet MathWallet has supported Loopring protocol and LRN Airdrop. Users could get LRN airdrop by importing the ETH address that owns more than 50 LRC to MathWallet, or create a ETH wallet in MathWallet and then transfer LRC to that ETH wallet. Tutorial ➡ How to get LRN Airdrop? The Progress […]