Acala Crowdloan in MathWallet Guide

Now you can join the Acala Crowdloan in MathWallet for both mobile and extension wallet For Android user, suggest install MathWallet1 version here For iOS user, please follow below guide to open dapp First switch to Polkadot wallet In the DApp list find Acala Crowdloan app Enter the number of DOT you'd like […]

Moonbeam Crowdloan in MathWallet Guide

Now you can join the Moonbeam Crowdloan in MathWallet for both mobile and extension wallet For Android user, suggest install MathWallet1 version here For iOS user, please follow below guide to open dapp First switch to Polkadot wallet In the DApp list find Moonbeam Crowdloan app Click the 'Connect to Polkadot.js' button Confirm […]

Install MathGas and track realtime Gas Price

MathGas supports Mac App / iPhone / Android which tracking the realtime multichain Gas Price Mac App Guide 1 Download the DMG file from link below 2 Copy it to Application folder And in System Perference – Security&Privacy – Allow apps download from: select ‘App Store and identified developers’ 3 Right click on ‘MathGas’ […]

AC‘s Rarity NFT Game Guide in MathWallet

Rarity is AC's Fantom blockchain game inspiring by Loot. The detail guide is below: Install MathWallet Create Fantom Wallet Get some FTM token 1 Get FTM to Fantom wallet through Multichain bridge 2 Get free faucet, need join spookyswap Discord Get ‘Rarity Manifested’ NFT Rules posted by AC: 1 Open ‘Rarity […]

How to use Deeplink connect to MathWallet mobile app

1 Open URL You can use deeplink open MathWallet and then open an URL in the wallet in-app browser Sample URL below, change the value param as you need: mathwallet:// 2 Open URL and get callback Sample URL below, change the dappUrl param as you need and the blockchain param as well: mathwallet://{"action":"openUrl","protocol":"SimpleWallet","dappUrl":"https:\/\/\/","dappName":"MathWalletSDK-Demos","blockchain":"eosio","version":"1.0","callback":"mathwalletdemos:\/\/mathwalletsdk?action=openUrl","desc":"","dappIcon":""} Currently this […]

How to use WalletConnect on MathWallet mobile app

WalletConnect is an open protocol for connecting Wallets to Dapps Other than qrcode support, WalletConnect also works with mobile browsers We use mobile browser open the WalletConnect official demo page to do the test Click 'Connect to WalletConnect' Select 'MathWallet' Then the demo page will open MathWallet App, and you need to click the […]