When MathWallet Supports a new Chain

When MathWallet supports a new chain, it is not just adding a RPC like Metamask. MathWallet will support all the functions below in the same time for the new Chain: ✅ App wallet support ✅ Web wallet support ✅ Extension wallet support ✅ DappStore support ✅ Multi-wallet support ✅ Sub-wallet support ✅ Watch-mode-wallet support ✅ […]

Milkomeda Cardano MathWallet User Guide

MathWallet5 has supported Milkomeda Cardano. Follow guide below and start using Milkomeda Cardano: First, install the MathWallet5 version from https://mathwallet.org On the chain list click + button at bottom, and open Milkomeda Cardano Then, on the chain list find the Milkomeda Cardano network and add a new wallet (you can import existing wallets from other […]

Subsocial MathWallet User Guide

MathWallet5 has supported Subsocial Parachain and Solochain. Subsocial launched parachain on Kusama at the beginning of January, and distributed crowdloan rewards last month. They are operating with a 2 chain model: a more performant solochain and a more secure parachain.All tokens and financial stuff will happen on the parachain, including locking up tokens to earn […]

Syscoin MathWallet User Guide

MathWallet5 has supported Syscoin. Follow guide below and start using Syscoin: First, install the MathWallet5 version from https://mathwallet.org On the chain list click + button at bottom, and open Syscoin Then, on the chain list find the Syscoin network and add a new wallet (you can import existing wallets from other chain as well) Then […]

Arweave MathWallet User Guide

MathWallet5 has supported Arweave. Arweave is a new type of storage that backs data with sustainable and perpetual endowments, allowing users and developers to truly store data forever – for the very first time. https://www.arweave.org Follow guide below and start using Arweave: First, install the MathWallet5 version from https://mathwallet.org On the chain list find the […]

AstarEVM MathWallet User Guide

MathWallet5 has supported AstarEVM. AstarEVM is the Astar network EVM compatiable environment, if you are using Ethereum 0x address, you need to use AstarEVM wallet. (Note: If you are using Polkadot-Substrate address environment, you need to use Astar wallet instead of AstarEVM wallet) Follow guide below and start using AstarEVM: First, install the MathWallet5 version […]

Evmos MathWallet User Guide

MathWallet5 has supported Evmos. Evmos leverages the Cosmos SDK serves as the first IBC-compatible EVM-based chain, bringing composability, interoperability, and fast finality to Ethereum. Follow guide below and start using Evmos: First, install the MathWallet5 version from https://mathwallet.org On the chain list find the EVMOS network and add a new wallet (you can import existing […]

Songbird MathWallet User Guide

MathWallet5 has supported Songbird. Follow guide below and start using Songbird: First, install the MathWallet5 version from https://mathwallet.org On the chain list click + button at bottom, and open Songbird Then, on the chain list find the Songbird network and add a new wallet (you can import existing wallets from other chain as well) Then […]