KSM Claim in MathWallet (After Genesis)

For DOT holders who did not complete KSM claim steps before the Kusama genesis.

1 Create Kusama address

Install MathWallet Browser Extension http://mathwallet.org

In MathWallet Browser Extension Switch Network to ‘Kusama’

Create a new Kusama address, and finish the backup process

2 Open ‘Claim’ app in Polkadot Web Wallet

Click the blue【Web Wallet】button or visit https://polkadot.js.org/apps/#

In the web wallet left menu click【Setting】, change the config as below, and then click【Save & Reload】

In the web wallet left menu click【Claim Tokens】, select the Kusama address and click ‘Continue’

Copy the text in ‘Sign ETH transaction’

3 Sign the text using ETH wallet

In MathWallet Browser Extension Switch Network to ‘Ethereum’

Select the ETH wallet which contains your DOT token (you will need to import the ETH wallet to MathWallet Browser Extension first)


Click the ‘Web3’ button for login

Paste the text you got in the Polkadot web wallet, and then click ‘Sign Message’

In the popup window click ‘Confirm’

Copy the text in Signature

4 Back to Kusama wallet and finish the claim process

In MathWallet Browser Extension Switch Network to ‘Kusama’ gain

And paste the text you got after the Signature into the Polkadot web wallet

Click ‘Confirm claim’, and the page will show the KSM number you can claim

Click ‘Redeem’ to finish the claim process