MathVerse Cyborg ERC6551 Wallet User Guide

MathVerse Cyborg supported ERC6551 (NFT owned wallet)

Follow guide below and start using Cyborg ERC6551 Wallet:

First, open the wallet which you hold the Cyborg NFT

Enter MathVerse Cyborg:

Connect wallet

Select the Cyborg you want to operate

Select the “Wallet” column and click “Create Wallet”

After completing the creation of the Cyborg wallet, you can see the corresponding wallet address and asset details in the “Wallet” column

Then you can use the Cyborg wallet to transfer and receive

Such as MPU:

First copy the address of the Cyborg wallet, and transfer some MPU to this address

Next, click the wallet icon on the right of the wallet address to enter the Cyborg wallet operation page

Then, you can view or transfer the assets and collections in your Cyborg wallet