Project Update| 2018.3.2

The Progress of Development


Completed the development of account information related page (log in, register, identity verification, linked account address, link email, link phone number)

Completed the development of personal center page (get candy, follow official WeChat, referral, suggestion, about)

Completed the development of the setting page (TouchID or FaceID unlocking, language setting, coin unit)

Android APP

Completed the development of MDS account information

Completed the development of personal center

Completed the development of APP setting

Debugged interface

Checked code and fixed bugs

API Development

Developed the interface of stranger reminding and contacts identity matching

Developed the interface of getting exchange information

Developed the interface of candy activity

Developed the interface of APP testing

Developed the interface of suggestions and service protocol

Optimized the function of current interface

App Design

Added FaceID unlocking

Fixed and completed account information

Fixed contracts information

Optimized the process of getting candies

Optimized the process of backing up wallet

Download Math Wallet: